Similan Island Dive Sites - North Point
2017-03-16 11:49:40
North Point is the most northern dive site in the Similan Islands. It is a dive site with a mix of submerged rocks and fringing reef in the shallows. It is a great example of the variety you can find in one dive on Similans.
The boulders deeper form channels and swim-throughs that divers can explore deep while gradually coming more shallow. There may be leopard sharks sleeping on the sand in the deeper sections and there are always red and purple fire gobies around on the sand. Look around the rocks and in the cracks for pipefish. It is one of the only dive sites in Similans where you can see the rare pygmy pipehorse!
Closer to Similan Island #9, at the south of the dive site, there are two enormous boulders side by side. A large section of staghorn coral reef is located between the rocks and the islands. You have a high chance to see turtle on this staghorn coral section, or mating octopus and cuttle fish.