Maldives Angaga
Manta Garden
2017-10-09 12:16:44
Manta, manta, manta! Guess what we come to this dive site to see?
Usually the dive begins on the plateau, starting at around 12 metres depth on the north-west side of the reef. Here there are several big coral blocks to explore at different depths. One coral block in particular at around 15m, on the edge of the plateau, is important as a manta cleaning station. Corals are noticeably healthy here, with gorgonian sea fans and big boulder corals up to shallow depths.
Mantas are of course the main attraction to Manta Garden dive site. They can be found at any depth, cruising up and down the reef or getting cleaned at one of the blocks near the edge of the plateau. Other pelagic sightings that are possible include white tip sharks, tuna or jackfish, especially if there is some current present. During the shallow part of the dive, towards the end, look around for turtles. They are quite often feeding or resting on the reef top.