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Maldives Thulhagiri - Aquarium

2017-03-13 09:36:01

Maldives Thulhagiri - Aquarium

Fish soup! A firm favourite dive site.

60 minutes north-east of Thulhagiri is a dive site called the 'Aquarium'. There is a reason for the name... it is like diving in an aquarium.

Typically the dive begins following the outer reef towards the corner. There can be strong current on the corner so it makes sense to dive cautiously here but it is worth it for the schools of fusiliers, and sometimes turtles and tunas. In the large bay at the corner is where the real 'aquarium' begins with so many schools of different fish all in one concentrated area.

Some small overhangs hide large groupers at approximately 27m depth, and white tip sharks often rest on the sandy bottom of the bay. Eagle rays and napoleans frequently join this dive so we stay in the area as long as we can before ascending to finish the dive on top of the plateau at 10 meters.