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Maldives Angaga - Broken Rock

2017-10-09 11:48:06

Maldives Angaga - Broken Rock

Canyon dive For experienced divers.
12-30m depth range.

There can be strong current on this dive site making a quick descent necessary with a safety stop in blue open water.
Special care needs to be taken to monitor your no-decompression time limit and air consumption.

Broken Rock is a deep canyon that splits the reef into 2 parts. This canyon is adorned with tremendous gorgonian sea fans, sponges and other corals. To the north is a large overhang at 24 metres depth. The reef itself is overgrown with colourful hard and soft corals.

Due to the currents at Broken Rock, this dive site cannot be dived regularly but you can expect to see plenty of life if we are able to schedule a dive here. Hunting tunas, white tip reef sharks and napolean wrasse are common sightings. Groupers and oriental sweetlips like to shelter in the darkness of the overhangs. Smaller reef dwellers can also be found including scorpion fish, moray eels and the more typical colourful reef fish of Maldives.